Rebuild A Better Life After
Breast Cancer Treatments
You Knew Cancer Was Going To Be Hard, But Not THIS Hard…
Can you relate to any of these?

- You’re frustrated with your body
- Your body betrayed you
- You can’t just bounce back
- You can’t plan for the future
- You’re tired all the time
- You can’t imagine life on the other side of cancer
- You look at yourself in a different way now
- You want your life back
- You’re struggling
- You don’t know what treatment to choose
- You’re overwhelmed
- You’re frustrated
- You’re in pain
- You’re looking for wisdom
- You feel sorry for yourself
Allow Me To Introduce You To…
A BETTER Life After Breast Cancer!
If you’re tired of feeling
It’s time to start feeling
In Control
How It Works
I will help you rebuild a BETTER life after Breast Cancer Treatment
in ONLY 6 Sessions!
Session 1: Deconstruct
Uncover the emotional baggage you didn’t know was keeping you stuck.
Session 2: Solid Ground
Tear down those walls and release that emotional baggage and victim mentality.
Session 3: Foundation
Let go of the fear of Breast Cancer.
Session 4: Framing
Reframe decisions to be future focused.
Session 5: Sheet Rock
Make a life plan with a “BIG WHY.”
Session 6: Roof
Focus on living and designing an ideal life.
What People Are Saying
Rachel Meyers is truly and amazing life coach! I gained more insight, and comfort, relief, and clarity in two session with her, than a year of counseling has done. I didn’t know how a life coach worked and I still don’t know exactly how she worked the magiv, but she does. Going through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment was one of the hardest things I have ever done. My emotions and thoughts spiraled and were overwhelming. I can be an overthinker, who can be sensitive and/or my thoughts can become negative at times. She helped me realize I could change my thinking and change my life.
I had an opportunity to do a coaching session with Rachel. We talked in particular about a difficult situation in my family that previous to this session, I thought I had a fairly good handle on. Quickly, I realized that I am not doing quite as well as I thought. Rachel help me see that some of my struggle is related to mindset, which is the one thing I can control and change. After each difficult step, she reassured me and showed true compassion. At the end of the session, I felt that although I have a long way to go, I have direction and more confidence in my ability.
Rachel’s calm guidance helped me in my relationship with my young adult son. I could only see it one way (which was not positive) and that blocked me from loving him. Since then, he’s confided in me and trusts me more. She helped me let go of my fears so I could be supportive and loving.”
Who Am I?

Rachel Meyers is a Breast Cancer Coach trained at the Life Coach School. She helps women with breast cancer create fun again in their lives after a cancer diagnosis and/or treatment.
Sometimes it feels like cancer can suck out all of the fun out of life and put us in survival mode. Rachel focuses on drawing out negative thoughts surrounding breast cancer and helps women rediscover passion, purpose, and to live their best lives – even one that’s better than before they had breast cancer.
Rachel Meyers is a breast cancer thriver and walks the walk she teaches. She lives every day with direction, purpose, and FUN and she’s ready to show YOU how to do the same!